Jumaat, 19 November 2010

Demonstrasi Mathematica : Fano Resonance

Saya menerima e-mail dari Wolfram Demonstration Team.
Seminggu lalu saya telah menghantar Demonstrasi Mathematica untuk di'terbit'kan di laman web Mathematica.
Nampaknya sumbangan kecil saya diterima. Semoga bermanfaat kepada sesiapa yang berkenaan dalam bidang ini.
Your submission to the Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Dear Shahrul Kadri,

We are happy to inform you that your submission Fano Resonance to the Wolfram Demonstrations Project has been accepted for publication.

Your Demonstration will now be available to all visitors to the Wolfram Demonstrations Project site.

The permanent URL for your Demonstration is:

We encourage you to cite this Demonstration in other publications, and to send a link to the Demonstration to anyone you feel is appropriate.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving further Demonstrations from you in the future.

Thank you for being a part of the Wolfram Demonstrations Project.


Wolfram Demonstrations Team
Wolfram Research

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